M & H

1630 - 31 Charles I Tower Mint mm Plume Shilling - Ex Ryan Collection


Charles I (1625-1649) Tower Mint under the King (1625 - 42) Shilling, Group C, type 2a.  mm: plume.(1630-1631) Crowned and draped bust left; XII (denomination) to right rev. coat-of-arms in garnished shield; C-R above. (Sharp C2/1; Brooker North 2221; S.2787)

Ex V J E Ryan Collection*

*Ryan was a wealthy Irish landowner, who was one of the original members of the Royal numismatic society when it was created in 1921. He financed Herbert Allen Seaby in order to leave Spink and form his own company in 1926. His Collection was sold posthumously by Glendinings in five auctions inbetween 1950 - 1952.

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